How do you deal with rude people and people who always try to put you down?


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If they are asking you rude questions like how much money you make the look them dead in the eye and and say, "Why on earth would you ask something so personal?" If that doesn't shut them up and they tell you they were just curious then just answer with a simple "oh". Then....if they ask again go through the process again. It usually doesn't take more than a couple of goes for it to sink in that you're not going to answer.
When they try to put you down look at them, again dead in the eyes, and ask them is a slightly shocked voice if they really believe that.
One other thing you could try is to look at them with a pitying look and give some kind of non answer. There are many things you can do to get your point across w/o lowering your self to their level and even have a little fun at their expense.


it depends in what context they are rude. I feel that sometimes rude people don't even know they are rude. the best thing to do is tell them they are rude. But you take the chance of them being really rude and them getting confrontational. But if you don't call them on it they will continue to be rude.


I know this sounds like an obvious answer, but just ignore it. If you try to talk to them about it, that would be one more thing for them to try and put you down for. Surround yourself with positive people and ignore the losers who try and put you down.


I just brush them off, Its not worth the time or the effort to waste on them, people that pick on others do it cause they have to feel better about themselves. Plus my shrink told me to stop beating rude ******* up.


I always smile and treat them with respect. Totally ignore their silly comments. It's fun to watch them squirm as they don't know what to do nest. Mostly they move on to someone else.

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