How can i make my life interesting? Im so boring?


kittyoutlaw1,im 21y/o.i'm working as an accountant for a government owned corporationl.


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seek counselling and work on your self-esteem issues. your self-image probably does not match with reality. if you feel better about yourself, you will find that your life is interesting and that you have a lot to offer.


Find a hobby. Watching TV isn't a hobby, nor is blogging for that matter. Join a book or movie club, go with a friend to dance classes, take a cooking class. Try rock climbing or hiking. Buy a bike (road or mountain bike), by doing so, you meet new people and get inshape/ have fun doing it. A friend of mine has met some great people while taking his dog to a dog park. When the dogs are doing their thing, he engages in conversation with other dog owners about breeds, shows, politics ect.
There are a million things to do, just find one that interests you and go with it. I play guitar and have many friends I jam with, go see at gigs and meet up with on a regular basis.

Hope I was helpful, good luck!


Take more chances. I'm not saying jump off a cliff, but do some things you wouldn't normally do. Maybe try a new sport or find a new hobby.

What do you mean you're boring? Do people say that to you? I bet you're not boring at all, maybe you just feel like you need something more to do. You could always challenge yourself. Like, learn how to play electric guitar.

Hope you find something fun!


You should have said how old you are.

All I can say, is get a hobby that interests you.

Find out what kind of talent you have and work on it.

Painting, singing, etc, then you will build your own self esteem and no longer be boring..


you know, someone out there does not think you are boring. they like you for YOU.
but, if you are bored.. try venturing out into other areas of interest. say different festivals that you never thought you would like. date more, date different type of people than what you usually would just to see what they have to offer and branch out from the norm.

take trips or small road trips. road trips do amazing things in revitalizing those boring feelings within

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