Should I wear a yamaka?
I'm going to the Barmitzvah of my friend's daughter, I'm not jewish but should I wear a yamaka?
I'm going to the Barmitzvah of my friend's daughter, I'm not jewish but should I wear a yamaka?
Favorite Answer
Since you are not Jewish, you are not required to wear a yarmulke; however, it would be polite to do so anyway (the first young lady answering your question is incorrect). If a congregation is particular about it, they will usually have a sign posted saying so, but certainly nobody will think twice if you wear one. There should be a container of them at the door of most synagogues that leads into the sanctuary; you might want to bring a bobby pin or three to keep it in place. You can also bring one of your own, if you prefer.
Yes, For a female it's called a Basmitzvah.
If your not jewish then no...that would be like an insult....unless the family says it's ok then yeah.