It's time for a list of your favorite tattoo fallacies. Should I start out?

You've never going to get a REAL job with those tattoos on you. FALSE.
There are lawyers, doctors, astronauts, bankers, preachers, teachers, racecar drivers, scientists, all with tattoos........the list is endless. Getting a tattoo DOES NOT prevent you from doing what you want to in life...... NEXT?


If you say that's a fallacy fall guy then we'll have to believe you.


Good one andij (you're much more likely to get aids through unsafe sex than through a tattoo)


Hey Nikkilee......Cancer from ink.......(cancer of the what?)


LOL I like that visual Cassie....a puddle of ink on your lower epidural for you!!!!


I've heard that one too Pinkus (and who wants to get puked on?)


Embrace the sound like a


Hey JKC....I think just the opposite will happen......those of us with tattoos will look forever young.........(take that you inkless freaks)


Come on that know you became trash the minute you got your


Hey Zombie!!!! So glad to see you. Loose morals and tattoos........kinda like peanut butter and chocolate......You can't have one without the other.......


Spink!!! (I though you were dead) You've got them tattoo care tips tattooed on your forearm don't you .....(Kinda like crip notes)


Mika favorite tattooed accountant... Now come on.....You KNOW you could feel yourself swelling up with BADASS as soon at you got your first tattoo (I'm sorry,.....please don't kick my ***)


I agree Clamshell (only I believe it begins with Mother's milk) then tattoos, drug addiction and leather jackets....... (I'm in the leather jacket phase)


Etrigone!!! I haven't seen you on in a while. We both know that if ink poisoning was would be a dead MF. If we could extract all the ink from your backpiece we might have enough to drown someone....but ink poisoning.....I don't think so!!!!


Hey go girl!!!.....of course your tattoo makes you a bad mom. (Its because of the loose morals, drug addiction and leather jackets that come with the tattoo.....sorry ........ You didn't get the memo?)


Welcome back tatt_brat .....I thought it was just me but neither of my tattoos had scabs or were swollen...... Thank you for shooting down another fallacy.

2007-06-20T20:40:02Z If you had said ALL tattoos are attractive as your fallacy I would agree with you 100 percent.......However ......Back to your cave TROLL


Come on chicky ...... you know you're going to regret that Black Sabbath back piece when you get older!!!!


Lazychick....glad to see ya. The camoflaging of scars is one of the true benefits that tattoos can provide.


I'm not going to argue that one with you Cheri are completely correct......Don't expect to be able to get a job teaching 1st grade if you have facial tattoos like Mike Tyson..... Aint gonna happen. (But tattoos that are easily concealable will have no effect on your career)


Favorite Answer

I got a tatto on my azz with "your name" on it.


Urban Legend...Folklore...Fallacy
The Blue Star LSD Tattoo story is back.

Guilt By Association
Once our society allows the Tattoo Industry
to take over it's's just a slippery slope
to drug addiction and leather jackets. An inevitable
slide down, toward everything related to evil and
it's further extremes.
This has been left on my front porch more than once.
I would definitely consider this a fallacy, if not outright harassment.
Carry on men...Ink at the ready...


You'll get ink poisoning. Okay, this is a recent favorite, because it's just so undefined; an efficient use of scare tactics. It hints at blood poisoning (aka septicemia), which can be an issue with depressed immune systems and opportunistic infections, but that's clearly not what it is. The inks used by real artists - hell, probably even some scratchers - are non-toxic. Probably more likely to get poisoned by something like the plastic used in joint replacement surgery (or breast implants...). If ink in general was that bad, wouldn't writing notes on your arm to cheat on a test be tantamount to slitting your wrist?

You only asked for one, so I'll stop there...


ALL tattoos scab. FALSE

Most pros I know rarely get scabbing from their tattooing because they do not overwork the skin and they give very good aftercare instructions. Only the top layer of inked skin should peel like a sunburn. YES, on occasion, parts that move a lot like joint areas and where clothing can rub can and will scab but for the most part, scabbing is not NORMALLY expected.


I read one on here the other day....that ALMOST sounded legit. almost. Someone was under the impression that you could get cancer from tattoos. (good gawd!) and someone answered them saying something about you could get Hepatitus, from the needle, but to look out, because even if they use clean needles, they will re-dip it in the same ink.

Apparently, that person has never been to a tattoo shop and watched as they poured the ink into small containers for each tattoo, and then dispose of them afterwards.

It's like they have nothing better to do than hate tattoos so they make stuff up!

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