
Anyone know how you can publish something anonymously and still earn some sort of income from it? Someone might say if you don't want to put your name to something, you shouldn't write it. Maybe. But I'm still interested in any info. Thank you for those that answer the initial question.


True, another name could do the trick. But it's the trail leading back to the writer I was wondering about as well. Thank you!


Favorite Answer

Check further into using a pseudonym.
Then, maybe talk with a lawyer about the paper trail. Some do free consultations.
Stephen King wrote several things using the name Richard Bachman... even after he published as himself.
Where there's a will, there's a way.
Good luck and congrats on your writing! :)


You Could Use A Pen Name Like Mark Twain did his actual name was Samuel Langhorne Clemens and as you most likely know he is one of the most famous American authors


you can publish whatever your going to publish in an different name. most writers do it.