Looking for a Radiohead song?

it's not on any of their major albums, i think it's on a single or import. it starts out really mellow with just some guitar playing & what not, then about half way through it just kicks in, like full on rock!! I've got it on an old mix tape, but don't know the name. Anyone...Anyone...


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It sounds like you're talking about Polyethylene (pts 1 and 2) from the Airbag (Hows My Driving) e.p. It fits the description and is certainly a stand out track. Really great song. If you haven't heard it that e.p. it is amazing from top to bottom. Track 2 (Pearly) is also incredibly great.

A way to describe how Polyethylene goes is it starts with just a guitar. The only line I can really understand is Thom saying "If I get scared I just call you" then there is a vocal 4 count and it gets to a 12 note walk in 3/4 with a 8 count in 4/4 part that follows. The intro and verse follow that time signature. I think the 2nd verse once it gets loud starts with something like "Plastic Bag Middle Class Polyethylene."


I'd definitely say 2+2=5 or even Paranoid Android as well.

It's hard to say because so many of their songs begin very softly and then the guitar kicks in halfway...

meep meep2007-06-22T23:25:49Z

Pop is Dead
Fake Plastic Trees
Faithless, The Wonder Boy
You and Who's Army
Stop Whispering
Exit Music


I'm guessing Paranoid Android off of OK Computer. The guitar solo kills when it kicks in



go here and listen to the samples

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