follow up to a previous question?

what if upon reading e mail of ex husband it is doscovered that he was an accessory to a crime ie he had gone with someone to beat them up at work and he admitted he beat a 3 uear old child and threw them against the wall, would that e mail be admissible in court if it was discovered by looking at his e mail when he left the passwaords on the ex wifes computer??

WELCOME TO DC2007-06-23T05:49:46Z

Favorite Answer

in jail or in prison


That is a question for the District Attorney for the county where the alleged act took place. The email may not be true. It could have been placed there deliberately.


Well, I wouldn't think that it could be because anyone could have accessed that computer, but anyone who lays a hand on a child so small. What the hell would they be thinking?