how much does it cost to spay/neuter a dog? and how old should they be for the procedure?

Karen W2007-06-24T18:43:32Z

Favorite Answer

Recommended age is 6 months. Spay will run more than a neuter. Check with your vet. Also contact your local Humane Society as many offer low-cost spay and neuter clinics.


Spaying female dog always has some impact on the behavior of the animal. The animal that is not subjected to the spaying operation may wander in search of partner in roads and may meet some road-accidents.

Spaying your dog before the first heat is the perfect age for the operation. When your female dog reaches the age of 5-8 months, which is just before the first heat, you can spay your dog. Some veterinarians and many humane shelters prefer to go for spaying at the early age of 2 months itself without affecting the growth of the pups.

Spaying cost solely depends on the precedure and also the condition of the dog. It may costs $100 to $200 for a normal spaying operation. Spaying during pyometra (Pus in the uterus) may costs more, say- $600-$1000.


It's the size of the dog, not the age - my puppy was spayed at 8 weeks. She came from the RSPCA and all puppies and kittens are neutered before they're released from there, so mostly they are done very young - and mine certainly had no problems of any kind. At least that way you know that a female won't ever be going into season!


most vets do at 5 months to avoid the females going into heat.

shelters have been neutering at 8 weeks for many years


The cost varies by the vet and area you are.
They should be done at 5-6 months old.

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