When ending a long term relationship...?

...one person will ofter say "You were never there for me". What they may be forgetting is that sometime in the past they had told that very same person, "Don't go there". So how can they blame the person for not being there when they themselves had issued specific instructions not to go there in the first place?


it's a rhetorical question, i was just seeing if anyone would laugh at my brain droppings.


Favorite Answer

because we are women!! when we say leave us alone we really mean come see what is the problem!!


dude, when ending a relationship........ end it.... short and sweet ending and move on.... keeping in contact does you no good. just end it and move on, do not lose sleep over it, new day starts every day, move on move on move on.... thats why most call it moving on with life, find someone new til its time to move on..... and did i mention you should move on ? =)


I'm sorry we are so confusing to you