What's the difference between Charles Manson & George Bush?

Charlie never killed anybody, he just influenced his "Family Members" to kill. Bush did the same, & killed MANY more people

Where do you draw the line?


lol, good one neve_freak2001, ok so there is that, still lol...


Favorite Answer

Manson is in prison doing life, and Bush SHOULD be in prison doing life.

country girl 0062007-06-27T23:46:38Z

Charles Manson is a murderer and is the devil. George Bush is a human, trying to make the world a better place to live in for ALL people. Everybody makes mistakes sometimes - Manson IS A MISTAKE. He isn't worth the dirt we walk on. I know many people disagree with this about Bush, but in the beginning, he did a really good job. Give him some credit. It could have been worse - we could have had Hilary for President. I think her and Manson make a great couple!


I think the difference is George Bush doesn't have a swastika (visibly) tattooed on him.

Professor Riddle2007-06-27T23:33:59Z

Charlie would share his drugs with you.George will do it behind everybodies back secretly,but outwardly would want the death penalty for drug users.


I'll have to go with the tattoo on the forehead. Only difference I can see.

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