Would you make it to your destination in the Cash Cab??

Would you go for the Video Bonus?


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I love this show. It is a whole new twist on the game show format. I think I would make to the destination. I don't think I would take the video bonus. I get it right over 50% of the time, but the fear of losing what I already had would probably make me chicken out. I love Benjamin Bailey. He is funny with his expressions. My biggest fear on that show would be getting dropped off in a bad neighborhood. Imagine if you lost and he dumped you on a corner with a big gang standing around. Talking about a bad day.


I love to see the contestants reactions when the switch is flipped and the top of the cab turns into a flashy disco floor.
If I had a couple of brainy friends with me sure we'd have a shot at it. As for the video bonus questions. I don't think that they're all that difficult so yes why not.


Sometime I know them all and sometime I know none of them. I don't think I would go for the video bonus, I'm not into taking risks.


no and no, normally I would take the risk but I absolutely never know the answer to the bonus or most of the other questions


Haha no to both questions.

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