Do You Feel That Loud Pipes Violate Rights and Lives?

Sudden loud noise is being noticed as a health hazzard. Such as a biker cracking his pipes, car with loud exhaust or squeeling of tires. Acute effects of noise on blood pressure and heart rate as well as brain stress. Long QT Syndrome (LQTS), is a life-threatening disorder that can be triggered by a loud noise. LQTS is estimated to cause as many as 3,000 deaths in the U.S. each year – mostly in children and young adults – says the founder of the Sudden Arrhythmia Death Syndromes Foundation (

Next time you bikers have a toy drive or fund raser for kids....consider the damage that may be done to the babies you awake

Bikers claim to be real Americans, then obay the laws and consider the rights of other Americans. Illegal is illegal be it pipes or aliens.


Yes, some states loud pipes are legal, but not by Federal manufacture codes.


Favorite Answer

Darn straight, loud pipes are ruining it for all motorcyclist. Yellowstone National Park is closed to ALL motorcycles, The AMA has fought bans all over the country because of idiots with small brain and loud pipes.

Anyone can check on line and see all the negativity towards loud pipes. With only about 2% of the public riding, bikers better beware 98% of the public is a lot of political pressure and votes.

Kids with Boomer cars, your just as guilty!


I don't get it either and I'm a long time motorcyclist. I think the cops and some communities get too technical about Db levels, then they say they don't have the equipment or training to use them properly if they even bought some decibel meters. I think the answer is much simpler. The bikes have to pass EPA tests for sound levels. The aftermarket pipes and mufflers clearly state right on them "for off road use only" to get around that. It's rediculous, why can't a cop look for the stamping? I don't know any state that doesn't have a law about "mufflers" or "equipment" and they all are worded nearly the same. I know around the Chicago suburbs the towns all followed one another in inacting noise ordinances which were geared towards the "boom box" cars, but should work with loud exhaust too. They essentially say that if they can hear your car (bike) from 50 or some 75 ft away, you are too loud. They issued a ticket for a couple hundred, impounded the vehicle one day, you pay for the towing and impound fee. Some of these fee's and tickets got up to $1000 or more. I bet that would quiet people down. It's a quality of life issue and even on the Department of Justice website they have a section dedicated to this issue, and what to do about it. Oops, forgot one other thing. I bet it would be easy to go after the aftermarket exhaust and stereo companies with a class action lawsuit and drive them and the installers out of business.


As a person who rides a motorcycle, I can tell you one thing about loud pipes on motorcycles. THEY SAVE LIVES. Car drivers, don't see us bikers. They look through us. If you've never pulled out in front of a motorcycle, or almost changed lanes into one, you're either very fortunate, or not truthful. You train yourself to look for pedestrians, trucks, and cars. But bikes....We go un-noticed. We're invisible. That's one reason why ALL motorcycles have headlights on at ALL times. It's also why I personally have my pipes tuned to 105 Db. at a 50 ft. distance. That's equal to a standard lawn mower, but at 50 feet away. Under normal acceleration, I'm not much louder than anyone else on the road. But when I need to get your attn., I can pull in the clutch, and hit the throttle for a second. It's better than ANY horn ever made. It WILL get your attention, and hopefully, you won't drive your 4,000 lb. SUV over my 700 lb. bike and butt. Anything I can do to call attention to myself by un-attentive drivers is in my best interest. If you don't like it, or you're afraid you'll die suddenly from the sound of my exhaust, I suggest you stay inside where it's safe and quiet. I also suggest you find a REAL issue to try to get behind. If you think I'm mistaken about the pipes issue, the Director of the United States Dept. of Transportation is herself an avid motorcyclist, and she rides a full dress Harley Davidson with pipes IDENTICAL to mine, and a bumper sticker on her helmet that states "Loud pipes save lives!". And she makes no secret about her opinions on the matter. She attends motorcycle rallys around the nation and rides high and proud. And a little loud.


So now you want to go after the bikers? What have your studies found on Rap? I know Rap pisses me off and throws me into a rage. I think that is a bigger problem.