Please tell me legends of your country?
I am from Ecuador
I am from Ecuador
Favorite Answer
There is the Legend of Sleepy Hollow.
About a school teacher who is killed by the Headless Horseman during colonial times in the United States.
I am of Native American heritage and one of my favorite truths is how the Lakota People aquired the pipe that many of our tribes use for ceromony. It is the "legend" ( I really hate using that word because it is like saying the Bible to Christians is only a legend) of the Buffalo Calf Woman. Please read the link that I have provided in order to read the full information on this great event.
The natives here have a legend that New Zealand was fished up (as a fish) by a demi god called maui. He made the fish hook from his grandmothers jaw bone.
Two of my favorites from the US are Pecos Bill a cowboy and Paul Bunyan, a giant lumberjack, who had Babe the Blue Ox for a pet and a dog who's hind legs were longer than his front legs so he never got tired as he was always going down hill.
some legends of the sasquach ( bigfoot) some of a lake monster in one of the great lakes. UFO sightings. all kinds of things here in the good old USA
Happy 4th of July, YAY