Why is it when the liberals see something they find offensive, they petition Y!A to remove it?

I posted a response yesterday to a question, and Y!A removed my remarks. I was flamed in my email by the person who posted the question. My point is: Why ask a question if you don't want to hear any opposing points of view?


I was answering a question, here is the question and my answer:

Question: Perjury....Lying or making verifiably false statements under oath in a court of law?

Question Details: Bill Clinton has been out of office for nearly 8 years now, just leave him alone. OOPS you were talking about Libby. I'm sorry, I just saw the header of the question saying lying and making false statement under oath, and jumped to the Clinton conclusion. Please pardon me.


here is the email I was sent by someone who asked the question.

From: My yahoo tool bar disappeared?

Subject: Clinton's lie

Message: Clinton lied to a jury who was hearing Paula Jones' lawsuit, which was thrown out of court for being without foundation or merit.

No one ever, in the history of America, was even charged with perjury in a lawsuit that was dropped as having no merit.

Bill Clinton was impeached for it and acquitted.

The republicans have no perspective or values


Favorite Answer

I think it is probably impossible to analyze the even handedness or otherwise of how Yahoo are dealing with complaints by people who take 'offense' and complain rather than disagree and put a counter argument. To a single person it will always look as though 'their side' are always the ones getting complained about. Eg. if you counter liberal arguments and views you will only get liberals complaining generally, if you were to counter an equal number of conservative arguments and views I think you would get a similar percentage of complaints from them about your views; v. few people will be looking at political points of view from a non-partisan perspective. You can try arguing your point at great length w. Yahoo staff but there doesn't seem to be any mechanism for re-considering the positions they take on decisions about what constitutes 'offense.' We could do w. an appeal process where they don't just state the terms of Yahoo's user's contract and tell you that you have broken the rules w/out due consideration of the case!


It happens a lot. The problem here is anyone can report abuse to Yahoo Answers for any reason (even if they don't like what you said) and Yahoo Answers automatically removes your response without actually looking at it and making sure that you have somehow violated the Community Guidelines. But it's a fine line here. On the one hand, we should all be allowed to give opposing points of view, but on the other hand our criticism of another point of view should be constructive, and I can't tell you how many times I've seen people on here from both sides of the fence engaging in name-calling or infantile bashing.

Let's get back to your question: Some people post "questions" that are really statements and they're just looking for affirmation from others that they are right, so any time their position is challenged they become offended, and in some cases the knee-jerk reaction is to report someone with an opposing point of view for abuse. So the bottom line is these people really don't want to hear/read opposing points of view -- they just want to have their egos stroked by others who agree with them. Sad, huh?


There are plenty of flaming pansies on this forum that like the power they feel from reporting others. Some of these folks that put down trolls also do a little trolling when they are on one of their "reporting benges" and they follow people around and look for questions and answers of theirs to report. I have had this happen several times even after getting 40-50 answers to a question and resolving the question. Then I get reporeted and get a suspended account. I have found that Y!A can't keep up with the # of reports so the program automaticlly suspends the account after a certain # of reports on the account. Its a good way to get back at someone if you think they got you kicked off. It also works on people with a lot of points. Best thing is to hide all your Q&A's from view.


Was your question presented in a non-insulting manner?
Did you make the usual assumption that"All Liberals" do what ever the question was?
A liberal myself appreciate a dialog with some one with an opposing opinion. That's how issues get addressed and hopefully resolutions are found. However, if you come on line with that raving ultra right accusatory in your face approach, expect to be responded to in kind or to be cut off at the knees.
Having answered your present question, why not reword your previous question and try again.


Because liberals are crazy lunatics who are pictured beside the word "hypocrisy" in the dictionary. They spout off all these ridiculous ideas on how we should be free to do this, and that and how everyone should have an open mind and blah blah blah - BUT, as soon as they hear something THEY don't agree with - they throw a conniption fit.

Liberals are the hippies and children of hippies that weren't just the lovely pot smokers - oh no, they are products of too much LSD and have permanent screwed up minds.

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