My pet dog is getting old?

when she dies can I get a priest to conduct a proper burial ceremony in accordance with christian rites?


Favorite Answer

only if the priest doesn't mind breaking the rules.

According to almost all christian religions, animals have no soul.

Why would you think your dog needs the protection of a priest? Is it a sinner? Do you think it's going to heaven? Think about what you are asking

Tim O2007-07-03T18:04:58Z

On St Francis day Catholics can bring there pets in to be blessed so maybe you can get her some last rites. Unfortunately St Francis Day is past, ( I think it's in May) call a church I am sure you will find a sympathetic ear. Especially if she is a vicous attack dog, maybe a sympathetic ear, nose and throat.

If the mask fits...2007-07-03T18:01:30Z

I think you can have burials fro pets, not sure about the priest though...

Kris L2007-07-03T18:01:05Z

Yes, you can ... if you go to a Franciscan church or monastery and ask a priest to do it, he will. ONLY the Franciscan's will do this though ... they are of the Order Of St. Francis, and he was a saint who always 'loved' the animals and blessed them and 'helped them' ...

Yomi Minamino2007-07-03T17:59:17Z

There are people who will do that for animals more then what most people think. Talk to one of the animal grave sites near you and see who they think is best.