What are some fun things to do with Bottle Rockets?

My friends & i used to line up in the street (quiet street), light them, then have 'em chase us down...it was great!


Favorite Answer

I stick them up people's tail pipes...

I also stick them in some mailboxes and close them as soon as I light it... then run...

Or stick one in a glass bottle upside down... and light it, and then run... lol

Or you can tape about 3 rockets together for more power... and then tape an army man, or a barbie doll or something to one... just for giggles....


Cool Bottle Rockets


this is something i did one time... hehe =) Take a cup, a decent sized one, or a soda bottle, no bigger than a 1L, and fill it half way up with gasoline. Take 10 to 15 bottle rockets, wrap them in a napkin, and light the napkin as you drop in the gas. make sure that you get away fast because you may cause a bottle rocket to explode which will throw the gas. sit back, pretty far, and watch it blow =) it should create a ring of fire which is crazy awesome. Do it in a field because i almost burnt down a neighborhood one time. It just happened to pour down rain that ngiht so i got lucky. make sure you have a way to put it out too. its gasoline and its flamable XD


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What are some fun things to do with Bottle Rockets?
My friends & i used to line up in the street (quiet street), light them, then have 'em chase us down...it was great!


Catch frogs and turn them into little froggy astronauts.
P.S. bottle rockets are not illegal in Pennsylvania.

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