Dream about a girl..?

So to set this up, there's this girl I've hung out with and had my eye on since last fall, through the winter until recently - she hasn't been around in a while at the recreational club I frequent. I started to like her just before she stopped, and the last time we were together there she was helping me do things and talking to me, kind of flirting, smiling... I miss having her around a lot.

Now the dreams...

I dream about her quite a bit - a lot of just being together along with some romance and kissing. One dream that stood out though, was me being somewhere along a river, and all of a sudden looking up at a subdivision of houses and thinking "thats where she lives". So I climb up this maybe 30' cliff-like retaining wall, and somehow call her on a two-way radio (which I actually have) and she guides me to the house. We meet, hug, and set off walking together and then I can't remember any more.

What's my subconscience telling me?


Favorite Answer

WOW! What a powerfull dream. When we are attracted to someone it means that there are some aspect about them that we still need to integrate into our own personality.

Repeating dreams mean we are still working on an aspect of ourselves related to the dream.

First off: You need to find out what these symbols mean to you. My writings are just suggestion. If it really doesn't work for you after you thought about it: Toss it!

This girl symbolises something that you need to work on in yourself. Think about what she meant to you. Loving, free with emotions, in contact with her intuition, extraverted? That is what you need to learn.

Water signifies the unconcious. Houses either means our association with feeling safe or where we are in our psyche. In this case it think it is some aspect about her psyche that is attracting you. Close to the water: is she a psychologically quite mature person or perhaps it is her ability to be vulnerable that attracts you?

The cliff wall? Get into contact with that aspect (getting to her) is going to take hard work until you make contact (two way radio) with it so that it can guide you to integrate it into your personality. Note that you have the radio: it is in your abilities to make contact. Nobody have to give it to you and you don't have to pick it up. Lucky @%#$%*&!

Romance, kissing, hugging, sex? This often signifies a union, or marriage if you will (or it is just that: sex). You and the aspect you are chasing is going to be united as soon as you are ready for it. Your psyche has the technology it can make you better!

In men's dreams women often indicate the inner woman (anima, women have an animus) in you that you need to recognise in order to assume the aspects that your personality needs. This is difficult as society rarely allows men the luxury of appreciating what the feminine can teach us. That's the bad news. That incline is steep and hard work.

This does not mean you have to physically find her in real life. You have the radio! Often when we fail to intergate the aspects that the person we are attracted to the relationship sours. And we start looking for it elsewhere. If we do, we move beyond attraction to actually building a relationship.

Good luck.

Professor Crazyass2007-07-03T22:57:41Z

Its telling you that you obviously have feelings for this girl and that you feel like its virtually impossible for you to reach her. Your two way radio symbolizes distance, whether it be physically or mentally, you feel distant. You're desperately hoping that she will return the feelings that is why she is guiding you to her house. As for the river, it signifies that you're not sure you actually like this girl, or if you just miss her terribly. so maybe you should give her a ring.


Sounds like your subconscious is telling you that you either think about her too much and need to do something about it, or you are only in a fantasy world with her and nothing will happen.


that you will need to overcome major obsticals before you can get to her and that it is easy to communicate with her

El Cid2007-07-03T22:57:54Z

....thaat you'll have to work real freaking hard to get through to her, and you'll need help talking to her, and maybe its just not worth it...

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