Is the smoke making me sick? What can I do about it?

I work in an office for a very large corporation. Recently, they laid a lot of people off and kept me, but moved me to a different office. Everyone in this office smokes except for me. It's terrible. My nose and throat burn constantly, and It's only been one week that I've been here!

My question is this? Is there any medicine that I can get for it, or anything I can do to make it not so bad I know the best thing would be to go to the supervisors and tell them, but they smoke in here too. I am the ONLY non-smoker. I don't want to make a huge deal about it because I'm 'the new girl' and it seems that my new co-workers aren't the most friendly in the first place.


Favorite Answer

what year is it on your planet. most places here on earth don't allow smoking in public buildings and believe me i know, sick of getting wet this summer.



I honestly think you should try smoking. It's very easy to start, and after a few cigarettes you will come to really enjoy it. I've been a smoker for 26 years and no regrets. Its not a habit. Its a lifestyle that millions enjoy. You seem like a nice gal, but kinda square. Break out of your shell by lighting up and you will see a whole new personality you thought you never had.


Benadryl may help, but honestly, its realy bad for you to be in an office of smokers. second hand smoke is really bad for you. If you have your own office or cubicle, you can get a table top air filter which also may help.

ER Doctor2007-07-06T15:43:46Z

You might want to get oscillator or a smoking fan.I'm not sure the name of them and put it on your desk.That will help a bit but not too much.If its bothering you I'm sure if you speak up they wont mind the comment or suggestion you have for them.And why would they smoke in a business anyways.Its a good idea to leave or tell them.Its not good for you to be there smelling that smoke..>>>>


Go find another job.....

Or just ask for a transfer....

Where do you work, That they still can smoke in the office, I thought that was illegal now???

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