SNOOKY LANSON'S GHOST.!!! REALLY??? I thought I was the only old guy on here ...?

Saw Russel Arms in a Movie a dau or two ago, with Dennis Morgan, and nobody was singing .......


Favorite Answer

Snooky Lanson, aka Roy Landman, died 07/02/1990. I can't find a question in your question. Russell Armes and Dennis Morgan are also deceased. So what are you asking? You may be the only old guy on here and I may be the only old gal, so you'd think I could figure out what you're asking!


And Giselle McKensie swinging on a swing?But I'm far too young to remember that!
Dennis Morgan must be lost too, eh?


What the hell are you talking about? This is the food category, but even if it wasn't, this wouldn't make sense in any category!!!




"The Shadow Knows.......... !!" heh, heh, heh,