does coq10 really work to reverse receding gums? or do vitamins c & e work? which is better?

this is not about gum disease, i'm quite sure. it's just gum recession


Favorite Answer

No, gums dont grow back. Make sure you are not brushing them too hard.


Coq10 Receding Gums


Recession can be caused by

1. Periodontal disease, in which Coenzyme Q10 and other dietary considerations are helpful combined with good homecare and dental care.

2. Bruxism (clenching and grinding) in which wearing a nightguard to cushion the blow of these forces (250+ lbs per sqare inch)can help. It will ofset the trauma caused to the teeth, gums and surrounding bone.

3. Toothbrush abrasion. Brushing too vigorously, roughly and/or incorrectly. Best to always use a soft or extra soft toothbrust and brush gently, or better yet, use an electric toothbrush. Check out the ADHA website for brushing and flossing instructions. An electric toothbrush takes the agressive brusher out of the equation, just follow the directions from the manufacturer.

Gum recession can be stopped but not reversed. Surgery can help, but that is a decision for you and your dentist to make together.

Dr D2007-07-10T14:02:20Z

I seriously doubt anything works besides surgery. My gums are a little lower than they are supposed to be and I take COQ10, vit C and E. Ask your dentist.

krystal b2007-07-14T18:59:15Z

there is no pill or cream or toothpaste ...etc. that can reverse gum recession. The cause of gum recession is bone loss.The only thing that can help is surgery.

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