Celebrating dating anniversary (sort of) each month?

My boyfriend and I like to go out to dinner each month on our month anniversary. Just a nice little dinner at a good restaurant.

Is that too much?


We do not do anything fancy, just dinner at a local restaurant. I dont know how we started doing it every month to tell you the truth, all I remember is him saying we should be together on our months' anniversary, the dinner I guess was just a bonus.


Favorite Answer

I think it's awesome. That's quality time that let's the two of you reflect on your relationship.


It's cute if both of you are fine with it (make sure that he really is ok with it and is not going along with it just for your sake). Personally, I think it's over rated.


actually it's pretty sweet. Your making an tradition together and not alot of couples do that any more, keep it up! :)


When it fades away you'll think something is wrong.

When you do it say, once a year, that's better.



Its far too much, stay in and be boring and unromantic, dont honour your relationship at all.
