What is the best wireless router to get? (Link to Circuitcity.com if possible)?
My current wireless has stopped working and I was planning on getting a new one. There are many different ones (maybe 100) on Circuitcity.com, and I was wondering if I could get some help deciding. I'm not that savvy on wireless routers and what features are good (I don't know what Wireless-G, or Super-G, or 801.12g means), so if you could narrow it down for me, or tell me good/best features, that would be great. Also, I'd like to make it easy to set up and be secure, because people tend to like using it and making it slow, and it's a hassle to set it up sometimes. So... yeah. Thank you kindly, sirs (or madams).
Also, I don't trust Linksys anymore. My last modem was Linksys, and it died in like 2 years. And the router that just stopped working was Linksys. So try not to suggest those.
I also KNOW that the router doesn't work because even the ethernet jacks don't work.