since god supposedly created everything, why the devil?

what the hell kind of a sick f%ck, omniscient, omnipotent deity would deliberately create an entity that exists for no other reason than to torture people who don't bow down to it in fealty?

How is this different in any way from the kids who recently caught a kitten and set it on fire just to watch it suffer?


Being omniscient implies that all outcomes are known, precluding the argument that a change of mind on the part of Lucifer is somehow responsible. A truly omniscient deity would already know, a priori that the guy was going to get uppity and thus we are right back to where we started on this.


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There is no good answer to this question, other than to admit that there is no such thing as an omniscient, omnipotent, omnibenevolent deity.

There is a reason most Christians, especially fundie Christians, spend little time contemplating the Problem of Evil (theodicy), and that's that it turns out to be quite fatal to all traditional forms of Christianity. A perfectly loving God would not create so much suffering.


In Judaism devil, devil, Or regardless of They call Him, isn't Evil yet A temper. Christianity Is Supposedly A Continuation Of Judaism so they ought to have an identical perspectives On different Lesser Deities. besides the undeniable fact that, lots Of What all of us know approximately Christianity Are Oral thoughts exceeded Down From technology To technology until some guy desperate to jot down It Down. Mentally Delusional? No, in simple terms Wrongly Taught.


1. the devil exists to bring us closer to god. if world was a perfect place, would we have ever cared to thank/remember the almighty

2. the devil having been created by god, also has an element of goodness (as all of us do). if he foregoes his 'devilishness', he too may become like us

and so i feel that god created devil as a symbol of our satanic urges for us to Think, Introspect, and Discern what we want to be and the world to be like.

those kids too are yet to see reason. lets look at it this way... they are yet to delimit their urges and reason-&-belief

(i think we can't compare this case with your premise-people have given reasons above for that)

3. and i have experienced this-whenever we are in a mess-devilish people/situations-we are able to emerge stronger.

according to hindu astrology every person has to undergo a period of severe troubles, but it is an opportunity god gives us to learn from the situation and emerge better/wiser/stronger.


The devil was not always evil.. he is a spirit child of God and lived in Heaven with God until he decided that he wanted God's Power and Glory for himself and he rebelled against God.. so he was cast out of Heaven...

Now he is bitter and evil.. and he wants us to be miserable just like him...

He was given the ability to choose just like we are.. and he chose Evil


They didn't set about to create the kitten. God is closer to those parents who both join in to torture their own children, sometimes to death.

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