If your spouse missed breakfast, & her stomach burns & she feels nausious when she doesn't eat, would you ?

tell her "waah, you're hungry, so can't you waite a while longer? we'll all be eating at some point for lunch." and make her waite hours until someone else suggests lunch? Or would you just get her (or let her) get some f****** food?

Obviously this happened to me. I usually need something small to snack on when I wake up due to burning & nausea for some reason (i think from bad acid reflux/heartburn) and 1 morning i missed breakfast & a couple hours later I wanted to go for lunch, but since his family wasn't ready 4 lunch I had to waite until they were. We even had our own car, but we were following his family to an area of town we were going to walk around in & watch street performers & I thot I could grab a quick bite, but he insisted I just waite & kinda made fun of me & got mad. Is this rude? What would u have done? I just waited angrily! After we ate he was like "there happy now?"


I did have snacks, but as we were gone for almost a week & have 2 young kids, the snacks were gone. Plus, what made it hard was that we were going everywhere his parents, other family wanted to go & I didn't want to take off in my own direction in a strange town. I know it sounds childish, but I was kinda stuck there w/ them all & felt he shoulda said to his family "hey we're gunna go grab somethin to eat, we'll meet back up....", but I think he was too worried about doing everything they wanted, when they wanted.


FYI, don't have a drivers license at the moment, private reasons.


Favorite Answer

BigMama, am i gonna have to come your way and kick that 'ol man of yours in the a ss one good time? I think he was very inconsiderate to your needs. I'm sure he expects to eat when he is hungry. It would not have hurt a thing to hit a drive thru or something to get you a bite to eat. I would not have just waited angrily til everyone else was ready. He would have fed me or faced my evil wrath..lol, and when he threw in the little smartass comment about "happy now", well he'd been wearing whatever was left on the table, food, drink, condiments, followed by a "i am now honey, thanks for asking". Handle that man girl.


You have to stop waiting on someone to do what needs to be done to "take care of you", Sweetheart. Want to avoid being hungry and grumpy, and p*ssing him off good? Put some granolas or something non-perishable and easily transported in your car or purse, that would hold you over until you get "real" food.
Then nobody has a fight. The world won't stop for us because we're cold, or hungry, or need something right this minute! Be prepared at ALL times to take matters into your own hands! :) Works for me.


Are you not an adult and able to make decisions for yourself? Would it have been that difficult to take the car up the street to a local convienence store or something or fast food restraurant for a quick bite to hold you over til lunch? Most neighborhoods have these stores not too far from them. This seems like a very petty thing to argue about or be anrgy about. If YOUR hungry, do something about it.


I would have left to get myself some food; let him entertain his family and meet up with them later. Why is this such a big deal? You don't need his approval or "permission" to eat, and for most people in most of the Western world, food is not hard to come by.

As for your stomach issues, see a doctor. It could be an ulcer - especially if the rest of your life is as stressful as the situation you just described.


He should have said lets stop and get lunch now we are getting hungry. Hes your husband and should have stood up for you especially since you were with his family. He shouldnt have made fun of you either. You had every right to be upset.

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