If you have an infinite ammount of something and you take something from it, is it still infitinite ?

ok ok, i possibly get the prize for the most stupid question today, but ....as not being genius i think i give it a try ;)

l z2007-07-12T14:44:01Z

Favorite Answer

Yes...the easiest way to attempt to visualise this is to imagine an infinite series of numbers. Now remove all the odd numbers (there's an infinite amount of them)...you still are left with an infinite amount of even numbers.


The trouble with this is that our universe does not have an infinite amount of anything. Yes, it has lots and lots of stuff, but there is no way for our brains to truely visualize an infinite amount of anything.
That being said, In mathematics, if you have an infinite number and you subtract any finite number the answer is still infinite.


If I have an infinite amount of something, and I take some of it, then I have what I took in addition to the infinite amount of something that I had before, so I have an infinite amount plus some more.
I wonder where I keep it all?

Pareshan Atma2007-07-12T21:45:24Z

Infinite - n = Infinite
Infinite/n = Infinite


Anything that is infinite cannot be separated...Time can only be measured, space can only be lived in and I would like to see you take something from God.

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