How did you know?!?

My neice had just got her first cell phone.

I called her up and she answered: "Hello?"

I said, "Hi, it's me, Auntie Boogers!"

"Auntie Boogers!" She says, "How did you know I was at Wal-Mart!?!?!"

(Yeah, she is a blonde!)


Favorite Answer

OOOHHH! i got it on the 2nd or 3rd read... funny

(NO! i am not a blond! i am a red head, or a brown, or a reddish brown......)


her neice was at wal-mart and she called her. Her neice said how did you know I was at wal-mart. Get it now?


ha ha ha...that reminds me my sister when she had also her new cellphone which I'd programed her ringing tone and message received to the same tone, everytime she received a message she answers it "hello"


Wow funny !


that honestly is a lame joke it make you confuse and have to figure out what or where the punch line is gee whiz

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