Would you get involved with someone with the same name as you?

Something that's probably a tad bit more common with gays and lesbians than straight folk. A John dating a John. A Sally falling in love with another Sally. Too much confusion? What do you think?


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I lived with a woman who had the same name as me for 8 years. It was hilarious when sales creatures called.
"May I speak with *****?"
"Sure, which one?"
"Ummm, *****"
"Yeah I heard you the first time, which one?"
" (silence)"

How hard is it to specify a last name? Idiots. LOL


Too much confusion? Trust me, the last thing causing confusions in a relationship is the name. I could just start using my first name again (my first name is John, my middle name's Mark, I've been using Mark for the last couple of years) or be J Mark or something. I've never dated a Mark (or a John) though.

Oh, and FTW: ROFL!


I have known couples with this confusing problem. Quite often one will change to a variation - like "Bob and Robert" or "Bob and Rob" or "John and Jack" or "John and Johnny."

I have even seen couples refer to one of them by the last name to make things easier.

Good communication is essential - you want to know with whom you are speaking! :o)

Of course, this would not PRECLUDE me from going out with someone of the same name. Everything can and will be worked out.


LMAO this is really funny. I was in a relationship with a guy with the same name as me. i might not do it again. it's bad when friends talk to to and you don't understand who they're really talking about. It was fun but it shouldn't matter who you date. as long as you like them it's all the same regardless of what your name is.


No, names aren't that important. I used to like this Asian guy and his name was pronounced "tree." My sister is dating someone with the same last name and they're not related.

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