Guys, would you have a one night stand with an obese woman? Would you be in a relationship with her?

Does weight matter to you?


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not a one night stand possibly a relationship

its hard to maintain a relationship with sumone with a beautiful personality if ur not in the slightest bit attracted to them


I would not have a one night stand with anyone period. I am want a woman to love not one to have sex with.

Weight matters some to me. I am a thin guy and I tend to like girls who are not fat, but still have some meat on their bones. If I was married to a woman and she put on some weight I would still love her if she remained the same person.


One-night stand is based on instant physical attraction, so no.

Long-term relationship? Preferably not, but people tend to gain weight slowly and we adjust to it as they get fatter, until one day you 'wake up' and look at them and think: What a pig! But, if it has gone that far, the image of yourself in the mirror is probably not such a pretty sight either.

Yeah, weight (and maybe even more volume) matters: Hers and my own.


Well, i like chubby girls but not obese. So no, I wouldn't do either with an obese woman. I just love a little meat, giving them a little stomach and love handles but not out of control meat.

Seperated Man2007-07-13T20:42:59Z

I have done a fair amount of hog slaying in the past. I never would date them but if I wanted a night of great sex, I'd find one.

Some criteria though:

1.) Can't weigh more than me
2.) Must at least be cute.

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