Theory of relativity as applied to bran muffins?

According to the theory of relativity time refracts upon itself, so according to this theorum, do bran muffins refract and expand with increasing velocity in space?


Favorite Answer

Do you mean the "Special Theory of Bran Muffitivity?"

Last I've heard, It's been revised.

Newtonian reliance on nooks and crannies as immutable frames of reference has been recently modified. This theory was immediately recognized by the scientific community as a plus to quantum "regularity".

The electrodynamics of "moving" bodies definitely has its BM benefits.


Consider the time it takes to mix the ingredients and bake the muffins. The time varies with how many bran muffins you intend to make, as well as the size of the muffins. That said, bran muffins will increase in mass as they approach light speed and contract rather than expand.

See my previous comment on the sci notation of the bran muffin.



Bran muffins are inimical to the big bang theory. Bran muffins are an article to be taken on faith: "In the beginning was the BRAN and the BRAN was with God, and the BRAN was God....."


Depends, does the bran muffin contain at least 33% oxygen?


Relatively speaking, my theory is that bran muffins most certainly expand.

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