"Stick Built" Construction vs "System Built" Modular?

I have read numerous sites regarding why Modular is as good or better than construction but I have yet to see a site speaking of why construction is better, or about things to be cautious about when choosing modular. Since modular as the better seems to be covered so heavily on the web, can someone tell me what are some points as to why construction is better than modular?
(reference to websites covering this appreciated as well)


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Stick-built type of construction is open to ANY floor plan, any where, any time, and easily adapted to just about any field changes desired, i.e., move a wall, add a door/window, change this . . . change that.

Modular is factory built and moved to the site, thus floor plans are restricted and on site changes are limited. As to what you wrote about seeing what is said about mod. being better; you must consider that the mod. manufacturers are SELLING a concept and product. So in my thinking, sure they will say their method is better. Stick built builders don't have to SELL their method as there are so many aspects of stick-built that sells themselves. Here again what is better comes down to receiving what is paid for. Buy cheap -- get cheap.

If one could compare actual oranges to oranges i.e., the very same floor plan with the very same pieces parts (2 x 6 frame exterior walls, terrazzo tile floors, stone fireplace for examples) erected by a quality builder; I think the stick-built would come out the winner.