Does anyone know any magic for keeping mice out of a motor-home?

We have tried moth balls and that did not work.


Favorite Answer

You can try this place

Jack D2007-07-17T07:00:37Z

we had a mice problem in our garage and we bought this little gadget called mice sonic chaser. It looks like a cellphone charger without the cord, you juts plug it into an outlet and it emits a high frequency sound that humans are unable to hear but the mice cannot tolerate so they just leave. Household pets cannot hear it either so if you have a dog or cat they wont be bothered by it. Its amazing the mice just go away it works like magic. It is available at

Mike G2007-07-17T06:35:01Z

I hope you like cats, keep cats for a pet. Then off course if you are a fan of Tom and Jerry then you are brainwashed that mice are smarter then cats.

They are not! Second option is use a wire wool and close all the holes they come from.

Last option become a hunter, instead of being hunted by them. When you have indication that you have a mous ein your motor-home close all entry point take a broom and hunt till you kill them. (To animal lovers, they will evantually die if not by us - bysomeone else.)

You wanted a Magic, I know there is Black Magic but I don't know anything about it, so if you find more information on Black Magic, let me know. I still have a hair of my girlfriend that I love to have back.


Moth balls and plenty of them they hate the odor. Also make sure that your holding tank has that additive to control strong odors. You may keep canned foods in their but not like bags of ships or any type of candy just clear all your food out. DO NOT put that rat poison because then they will end up dying inside your home. I owned a travel trailer 24' and Moth balls took care of it.


Pest deterring frequency generators are said to help. Also, carefully seal off any possible entrance over 1/4" in the coachwork with RTV "Bounce" brand dryer sheets are said to deter them also, although I cannot attest to the veracity of that. Close all vents. Lotsa luck.

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