what are some good ideas for parties/tournaments for adults at a bar, party, etc?

I have a website that hosts different events, and I have about 30 ideas, but I need more. I am trying to think of more ideas that are like beer pong tournaments, quarters tournaments, bikini competition, etc


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There's the usuals as I'm sure you have like pool tourneys, dart tourneys, poker tourneys...etc, etc,

have you ever heard of beer darts? I've never played it but it sounds pretty interesting.....also look up bean bag toss, or rodeo golf. Perhaps you can do a scavenger hunt sorta thing if you have enough space.

You could do trivia/game show types of deals...they do sell PA systems with game show themes in mind (sorta like karoke)

Air guitar contests are pretty fun, and we've had some success with those in the past, costume contests, if you're looking for a bit more fun you could organize a pub crawl, unless you're just using these events at one bar. Hopefully you found something useful out of this.


I gotta few!

Skate board
BasketballDribble competition (see you can dribble the longest)
Doubledutch (that's jump rope)
step dancing
lip sink (like millie vanille)