Do any of you...?

Does anyone on here have a My Space Page? I'm considering it, but feel a little shy about it. My son is standing here telling me that most of you have one. Is that true?


Favorite Answer

I use to have one, but not anymore. It got boring.


Yes I have one . I found a lot of people from my past because of my space. I have mine set to private so only my friends can view my page . If you make a page I suggest you do the same , there are just to many weird people now a days


I have a 360 page which is private and I also have a Bebo which I share with my kids and friends and is private from other people as well.


Yes, I have one. But only to keep in touch with siblings since we are all over the US


I have one, and i think it's totally worth it.
Don't worry about anything private,
just have your son help you put
everything on private, and it's really
great because you'll get to talk to people,
through message and comments.

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