Over the slapping of his thighs, a voice is heard “George! HOW can we stop the hellish war among our ppl?
A sing-song voice replies “Well Bob, we’re using the time honored coin toss! Heads for those with no faith. Tails for those with faith! Coin is up!” Twinkling silver slices the air! FLASH! The coin disappears! It’s hidden from sight! Just as ritual prescribes! “This is it!” Gasping, Bob shows the coin. It’s right on its edge! "All are guilty of judging, anger, hate and so much more, each to their own! George! Tell them what they’ve won!” A baritone voice replies, “For each, a designer chair, made just for them. All on the front line of this intolerable pit of Prejudice and intolerance. If those who now own a chair are honest, they know the "sins" they honor: Judgment, false pride, rage and hate, among many, many other wrongnesses. All are dipping. ”There is but one rule. For the faithful: Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind, and love your neighbor as you love yourself. For unbelievers, only one rule: Unconditionally Love Each Other!
What do you think?
It may just be that I'm trying to get ppl past the bs of who thinks what is right, and into acceptance of each other. That way we can do so much more!
I'm not trying to get ppl to argue! My question is trying to get ppl to think. If we can't get along with those who live next to us, how will there ever be peace anywhere?????