Loud Motorcycle or Jehovah's Witness -Which is more annoying?

I say the loud motorcycle: Due to the fact you can close the door on a Jehovah's Witness but you can't close the windows or doors tight enough to block out a Dirt Ball Biker with ego inflating loud pipes.





Loud Pipes Violate Rights There is no proof to support the fairy tail of loud pipes saving lives. Safe riding and being aware of your surroundings saves lives. If your to Chicken S--t to ride quite and legal, park it and walk. Yes, I ride with over 40 accident free years.


Favorite Answer

Gotta go with loud pipes and agree with others about the boomer cars. All are operated by low life pukes with the moral fiber of a slug.

There are many new studies giving fact that noise is harmful to children and can cause mental anguish and cardiac stress. Not to mention hearing loss.


The motorcycle is the greater annoyance, but the Witnesses (or members of other religions) are more personal, and that is why people get uncomfortable feelings dealing with them.

Personally, I keep my opinions on my neighbors to myself, and kindly decline when people are soliciting or evangelizing


No matter how much I wind up a Jehova's they don't sound as sweet as a well tuned engine burbling away!

That said there are always as$holes who feel that "loud = better" which is a (dumb ) opinion they are entitled to.

Dorothy C2007-07-22T15:16:04Z

I'm Jehovah's Witness and I'm annoying

Joy M2007-07-22T14:49:46Z

i would say the loud motorcycle... i see/hear a lot more of them and very rarely see any jehovah's witnesses

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