Do you find it disturbing that some faiths are teaching a Gods version of Science in schools?
Some schools even have texts books explaining the way god did it. How do they know how god did it and is this made up version of events based on the bible or just invented to keep sertain groups ill informed and thus less capable of making rational desisions based on all the information available.
Just a note. Science is based apon change and correction. Unlike the bible which only changes when the evidence is so damming that it has no choice (ie the earth is flat and the centre of the universe with the sun revolving around it). Besides if the bible were written today it would be full of the current understanding of the earth and not thousand year old understanding which was based on no eveidence.
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Not in public school. That notion of inteligent design was taken down by the courts. I'm sorry to say it Oh!! what the hell I'm really not sorry. The thing is that inteligent design is really pseudo science. That is it takes a bit of science and then mix in some unsuported belief as evidence. It is a very bad thing. This is because it limits a person. What it does is say, well, untill this point we understand how X or Y thing works. After that it must be Gods work. Well, maybe it is Gods work but the thing is that by thinking this way the person will not discover anything further because they limit themselve to only one possibility. It does not encourage discovery. At the same time some other country teaches things as they are. That country then develops new technology and therefore become wealthy and more powerfull. Our country falls down the drain based on old unsuported technology. Our economy crumbles. Thats not a good thing.
Science and religion have their place. Religion deals with the spiritual needs of human being. Science deal with trying to understand how our world around us works. I don't see why religion is so adamant about overtaking science. Religion should not be threaten by science because science does not deal with what religion does. Science does not meet the human need.
The thing is that science have a different view of the world than religion. The main discrepancy is evolution and the age of the earth. The thing is that science is self correcting. That is at some point in time there is an accepted understanding of how things work. If later in time evidence show that the original understanding is wrong then science changes to fit the new evidence. Religion doesn't do this. Take the age of the world example. The age of the world was determine by some guy who pretty much added up the times described in the bible and came up with about 6,000 years. I mean this guy is just a guy like you and me. So, maybe he had a stronger belief. Still it doesn't mean that the guy cannot be wrong. The view of religion is that they fear for some of their belief to be proven wrong so they won't accep it. I think thats a bad way of thinking. Instead they should embrace the new evidence. This way they can better understand the work of God as opposed of the limited view that a human being who was ill equip at the time they made their statement.
in case you have "by no skill afflicted to verify" any Bible passage on your existence, and clearly do no longer additionally be attentive to what reverence or appreciate advise, no longer to point have any ~ for God or those with faith ~ what promises this fantasy which you have any theory how God could study? you're no longer qualified to inflict your opinion, you do no longer "GET IT".. and it extremely is NONE OF YOUR smug, BIGOTED company. God's notice is stimulated with the aid of Him for people who're of His kingdom. That leaves you exterior, barking on the moon.
YES. Incredibly disturbing. There's no such thing as "god's version of science" - there is nothing at all scientific about the stories presented in the bible.
To teach such non-scientific rubbish in any science classroom undermines the scientific literacy of the general public, which is already very poorly educated about how science works.
Of course, this is exactly what the religious types want, lack of science education = more non-thinking believers.
If they are public schools they should present various sides where there are valid issues.
I don't consider Biblical creation to be as much in conflict with science as some people do, so I am open to teaching a survey of various ideas on how the universe and earth came about. However I would be opposed to teaching creationism without presenting other views as well.
Anyone who can read should develop the curiosity needed to explore various concepts and decide for themselves. Nobody is exactly certain of how the universe came to exist in its present form. I don't reject any theory that is totally unreasonable, and I believe God created everything using what we would recognize as scientific laws to bring them about.
However I have enough respect for those who do not believe in God to allow them the latitude to learn and decide for themselves.
No, it doen't bother me at all. However, in this state, in order to get a valid high-school degree, the courses taught in the private church school must include the material mandated by the state. So if they teach a "creationistic" approach to biology, they must teach Darwin's theory, or the biology class won't count.