A man goes into a bar....?

sits down and orders a beer. While he is sipping his drink he hears a small voice say "Nice haircut!" He looks around and sees nobody, so asks the bartender "Did you say something?" The bartender says "Nope -- not a thing". The man shrugs and continues to sip his beer. By and by the little voice says "Nice tie!". The guy looks around again, and asks the bartender, "Are you sure you didn't say anything?" The bartender says "No, man. Just washing these glasses". So the guy is a little freaked out now. He sips on his beer, all the while looking around him. Again he hears the voice. "Weredja get those cool shoes?" He slams his beer down and yells at the bartender. "Are you trying to drive me crazy or what?!!" The bartender says, "Of course not. Why would I do that? Why don't you relax and have some peanuts? They're complimentary!"


Favorite Answer

Not really a question, but a cute joke. The peanuts compliment the man because they are "complimentary" peanuts. Cute.


That jokes funny but I would have made it simplier. Like for example:

A man walks into a bar...
He gets a giant bump on his head and splashed in the face with beer at the same time! Now thats a mulitasker!

Hot Stuff2007-07-23T13:25:55Z

That's a good one. I love bar jokes. A horse walks into a bar. The bar tender says, "Hey, buddy. Why the long face."


ohhhh, i'm getting it now. i had to verify it a 2d time. for people who don't get it, he became the only giving the bl**job. he became attempting to eliminate the flavor purchase washing it down with whisky. while the barman became going to grant him yet another one, he figured, what extra will one do. I have been given it. LOL. i had to describe for others who did no longer get it, like i did.


Groannnnn. I had to read the last part twice before I got it.

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