Can you help me answer this - it is too hard for me to figure out by myself?

OK, so Muslims worship Allah and Christians worship Jesus, but Jesus is part of a Trinity. So does that mean the Christian God is three times as imaginary as the Muslim God or are they both, I mean all four, equally imaginary? Theology is just so difficult to understand.


Favorite Answer

You're such a monkey...

Of course, the answer is simple. They are all equally imaginary so Jesus is only one third as real and therefore he's harder to imagine.... Got it?

[][][] r u randy? [][][]


Not sure if you are serious, but I'm going to answer anyway. First Muslims and Christians worship the same God. Muslim just don't believe Jesus is the son of God. They think he was just another ordinary man. They feel if they were worshipping God all those years before Jesus why should they now.

Imaginary God? Don't think so, he is very real.


I think the trinity was a holdover from the days of polytheism. People who like having multiple gods would be pleased by having three godheads. At the same time the monotheists could claim to worship only one god. Brilliant. It was a compromise solution and it caught on.

Josias B2007-07-25T12:26:35Z

Well, to put it plainly, if you could wrap your mind around God, would He be God? We do not even fully understand ourselves. How should we expect to fully understand God, in whose image/likeness/reflection we are made?

Further, if the concept is that more impossible to reason or understand, I think it speaks to the validity of its claim. People cannot make things up that are beyond their comprehension, for to create, you first must comprehend what you are creating.

Jesus is 100% God, 100% man. Can't be rationallized. God is 100% One and 100% 3. Triune. Can't be rationalized. We can say that He is One in Essence, yet 3 distinct persons, but try and rationalize this and we fall flat on our faces. Same with the Spirit proceeding from the Father, yet the Son eternally begotten by the Father. There is a difference between proceed and beget. What this is, I can't verbalize, but I know on a level deeper than my rational thinking.

This does not attest to its imaginativeness as much as it does to its intense Truth and Reality, since it is beyond all human understanding and comprehension, yet revealed to humanity.


It's a grand total of 4 times as imaginary.

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