I often save animated jpg's--why aren't they animated when I open the saved image?


Sorry, the image was saved as a GIF


Favorite Answer

Open the file in Internet Explorer from your local drive right click and select open with -> Internet Explorer. It will animate it, but photos editors wont.


Animated Jpg

The Phlebob2007-07-25T18:23:00Z

Just like an animated cartoon, an animated gif is really a series of still shots. If you save it as a .jpg, only the first shot is saved.

If you are saving it as a .gif and it still shows up as a single shot, whatever you're opening it with isn't animating it.


You can't save an animated picture as jpg. It has to be a gif.


animated graphics are saved with the .gif extension. If you save an animated graphic as a .jpg, you only get one non-moving graphic.

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