what does everyone do when you can't ...??

sleep ...?? (besides play here)

Patty Pooh Pooh Pie2007-07-26T09:08:23Z

Favorite Answer

I go to various websites and download free 'find the hidden objects' games. I'm only allowed one download per game, per website, and I get one hour playing time for each. They are so much fun that I'm going to have to go to WalMart or Best Buy and buy some.

KMD Zev Sub and Onyx2007-07-26T00:22:20Z

Play video games


I am one of those accursed souls that never-ever has trouble sleeping - unless I am awake on purpose fixating over something. I can literally "will" myself to sleep anywhere/anytime. It is the restive sleep of imbeciles , children, madmen and the innocent. A case can be made for each except for the innocent or children (Madman or an imbecile..mmmmmmmmm)


Watch TV, read, eat. Sometimes I'll play video games until I pass out.


Lay there and get really pissed off that I can't sleep, and worry about being tired at work the next day.

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