Is the Playstation 3 REALLY superior to the Xbox360?
Sony claimed blu-ray was necessary for this generation of console gaming. If that were the case, why does the Xbox 360 version of NCAA Fooball 2008 support 1080p while the Playstation 3 version supports only 720p? I'm not a "fanboy" of either system and I enjoy both. However, if the supposedly inferior game format is, in fact, the better choice, should I even bother with the PS3? HDTV is an important factor for me. Otherwise I would not care.
Musikman - that one game, NCAA 2008 is the newest version of one of the biggest selling annual franchises. If I were comparing different versions of Sonic The Hedgehog, you would have a point. But this is NCAA 2008 we are talking about. It will no doubt be one of the top 5 games sold all year for both systems.
You are missing other points as well. I am talking about video games, not media players. I do not need an HD-DVD player to play games. I do not need a wi-fi adapter because my router is on a shelf between my Xbox 360 and PS3. I am talking about GAMES and games only.
You are correct about the 360's high failure rate, though. I am on my third console. My second died two weeks after I customised my case (and hence voided my warranty.) D'OH!
Jigsaw: You may have an inkling of an idea what blu-ray is, but you are completely clueless about HD-DVD. Dual layer DVD (which is what the Xbox360 uses) holds a little over 8.7 GB of data. Why would HD-DVDs hold less than a DVD?
Come on guys, stop trying to pull the wool over my eyes. I know my technology. I'm wondering why Sony called it a necessity to have 25 GB disks (remember dual layer blu-ray disks were not reliable when the PS3 was released) when NCAA 2008 is proof that they aren't needed. Is this the start of a trend? Is Sony BS'ing its customers or is EA just that good - to fit 25-50 GB on a dual layer DVD?
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Allright, some games such as NCAA and other multi platform games aren't as good on the ps3 because either the developer didn't put much time into the conversion of formats, or because their engine wasn't designed to run on the ps3, if you want to get technical, the ps3 could easily run much better frame rates and can easily dish out better graphics. Can you say Haze and Unreal Tournament III? They are both timed exclusives for the ps3, though they are built based on the ps3's archetecture, while other multi platform games were made for the 360 in mind, of course the console it's developed for will look better.
Also, blu ray will be needed for large games, such as Metal Gear Solid 4. A regular DVD9 (which 360 uses for games) can only hold 8.5 GB of data, while an HD DVD (which xbox 360 only uses for movies and costs an extra $200) can only hold 30GB, but with a Blu ray disc, it can hold 50GB double layered, and a new prototype can hold 100GB. Hideo Kojima, the developer of MGS4 has asked for a 50GB blu ray disc, meaning he has much more than 25 GB to put into a game. Also, the game Lair has a world that is 26 square kilometers of area, that's a HUGE game, which could only be achieved with blu ray.
I am the owner of a PS3, and I think that it is superior to the Xbox 360. Anyway when it comes to games, NCAA 2008 is avaliable in only 720p for the PS3 most likely because it was produced in that format and was not intended to be supported by 1080p. I predict that as more and more PS3 games come out, more of them will support 1080p.
Even though the output for NCAA 2008 is in 720p, the picture is probably better than the 360's 1080p output because of the Blu-Ray discs. The 360 still uses standard DVD's.
Blu-Ray IS needed. Think about this, when it really picks up the 360 will start to use it, another add-on that the PS3 has originally. And teh difference between HD-DVD and Blu-Ray is huge. HD-DVD only holds about 8.7 GB, Blu-Ray holds 50 GB. That means that any port to the 360 will make you buy extra content online while that content is already on the PS3s game, either that or you never get the content at all. Why do you think Gears Of War was so ******* short?
I personally prefer the 360 because of the online features. 360 Exclusive Games that are out or coming out soon Halo 3 Halo ODST Halo Wars Gears of War 2 Left 4 Dead Left 4 Dead 2 Splinter Cell Conviction Fable 2 The Last Remnant Star Ocean: The Last Hope Shadowrun Magna Carta II GTA IV: The Lost and Damned GTA IV: Ballad of Gay Tony Dead Rising Forza Motorsport 2 Forza Motorsport 3 1 vs 100 Crackdown Crackdown 2 Dead or Alive 4 Lost Odyssey Ninja Blade Ace Combat 6 Infinite Undiscovery Ninety-Nine Nights 2 All right, now for games that are better on the 360 compared to PS3. Fallout 3 (textures, draw distance, lighting) Call of Duty 4 (graphics, bigger community) The Orange Box (no frame rate problems, TF2 will receive updates) Dead Space (lighting) Call of Duty: World at War (anti aliasing) Soul Calibur IV (anti aliasing, bump mapping) Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (reflections, textures, lighting) These were the only games I compared high quality screenshots of. Xbox Live vs PSN Xbox Live - about $4.17 a month 8 person party chat with anyone on any game 1 on 1 conversations Cross game invites Fast downloads Netflix (soon to be 1080p streaming) Soon to have Facebook, Twitter, and Last FM Community Games (made by indie developers) Large collection of arcade games Larger community PSN - Free Home Uses money system instead of points 1 on 1 Chats Features: 360 - Replaceable batteries in controller Dual Layered DVD drive 3 USB ports, supports Zune and iPod Windows Media Center 20, 60, or 120 GB hard drive. Pro or elite bundle comes with microphone and component cable Cheap - arcade 360's for $200 Red Rings of Death (hardware failure/overheat) less common in new "Jasper" 360's. PS3: Replaceable by any 2.5in hard disk Blu-ray 2 USB ports in current PS3s Bluetooth connectivity Controllers with built in batteries (cannot be removed), lighter Less hardware failure No component cables Web-browser Built-in wireless Shiny (some people like this)
DEFINATELY!!!!! PS3 came out after the 360, and it was delayed, so it's got a lot better graphics, and engine superiority over the 360. Plus, they just came out with a new 360 with a whole bunch of crap attachments and upgrades(no offense to those players), probly to try and rival the PS3. Since the PS3 actually plays high def games off of blu-ray discs, it's bound to be alot better than the regular discs of 360. Plus, the processor is 40x more powerful than the PS2.