I own a Playstation 3 and I just don't know what makes the 360 a next gen console. To me the 360 is just like the regular Xbox except it breaks down more often and it has just a few upgraded specs. The 360 doesn't have a motion sensor controller, it still uses standard DVD's, and it doesn't have a built in HD-DVD drive. So what makes the 360 different and innovative from the original Xbox with the exception of upgraded specs?
Favorite Answer
nothing really it just looks different and is faster
On-line gaming: The 360 has the BEST on-line gaming community of any gaming system. The PS3 on line community is free....lol....and you get what you pay for. It sucks. Xbox Live is only $50 a year and it is AWESOME. Even non-gaming features on Live are phenominal.
Games: The 360 has better games out and better games coming out. Take a look at the line up for the next 12-18 months and you'll see I'm right. And even games that use to be exclusive for PS are coming out for the 360. Example: Metal Gear Solid 4. It's coming out for the 360 before it comes out for the PS3.
Blu Ray/HD-DVD: The most overrated argument out there. Will Blu ray win? Probably. But then Microsoft will put blu ray out for the Xbox. BluRay is not owned by PS. Anyone can use the BluRay technology, including Microsoft which will start putting it on gaming consoles eventually. And we are YEARS away from movies being made in only one chosen format.
Graphics: Having seen games on both systems, it depends on the game and more often then not, they are equal.
The 360 is a better all around gaming system with better games and more features.
Dispite the hardware failures Xbox 360 is pretty good and I have one
Also the only reason PS3 has more features is because Xbox 360 came out a year and a half before PS3
this is probably the most retarded question ive seen today. well if its not next gen why are the graphics, games speed and games better then PS3's versions that makes you wonder maybe the question should be switched around why is the Ps3 considered next gen and the reason there in no hd-dvd is becuase microsoft isn't forceing a fromat on people and making them pay extra for something they wont use like SOny
ah good question what makes it a next gen console 1 the details.there are more detailed games now. 2 the graphics -it is a definite sign for upgradation 3 the processor -it has three 3.2 ghz processors working continously so the games require more power meaning they have higher detail of gameplay
wow thats a strecth considering that you think it a regular xbox . considering the graphics are better then ps3, the games look and play better in a 360 then on ps3, and the online play is unmatchable what would that make the PS3 comparibale to a PS1 then if your comparing a 360 to an xbox lol but hey we have are opinions even if yours is kind of strange just face it playstation is losing you don't have to take out your rage on whats winning like the Wii and 360 becuase it makes you feel better