Band mate dissin me, Why?

I make more money, Im a better musician / songwriter, I get layed more offten, It's His Band and house we practice at.
We dissagree all the time on stuff. Is he just jelious?

Charlie S2007-07-26T11:35:32Z

Favorite Answer

Look dude, I've been working with the same two musicians for 16 yrs (one if them for 30) and you need to work it out or find another band. We've been together thru the birth of 5 children, two divorces (and a whole mess of relationships with our chick lead singer) and we don't agree on a lot of things.

When the PA goes on, all that gets left behind and we revel in the sounds that we make.

BTW, if you go on to another band, a chick lead singer will definitely guarantee you lots of work, as well as lots of drama.


yes definitely.
i mean from what you say you seem a pretty cool guy. your band mate is really jealous or its just the simple fact that your personalities clash.
Anyways if you think your so much better than him why stick around and listen to this guy?? do you really need him to climb the ladder?? you wouldn't if you were a better musician/ songwriter......

the Boss2007-07-26T16:17:45Z

He's probably offended by your lack of education and perhaps a little jealous of your talent.

♫ Abby ♫2007-07-26T16:17:59Z

Yeah he is totally just jealous that you are getting all the glory.


no offens or anything but i think your a bit cokey..... talk to your bandmates and see what's wrong. don't get pissed off when they tell you just lisin and learn!!!!!!!

p.s it doen't matter if you get layed more offten then him*