For the guys - would you wear a kilt or skirt?
why or why not?
why or why not?
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if you're talking about that video about the seattle thing.... no way.
its one thing if it's part of your cultural heritage, but as a fashion trend..... no thanks.... actually i know a few older scottish men who'd probably be kind of insulted that some random guy is trying to cash in on their heritage and make it "trendy".
I wear kilts quite frequently. I find them to be very comfortable and better suited to the male anatomy.
To answer your question I wear kilts only. While true they are by definition a skirt there are things such as the cut of the fabric, amount of fabric used and way it is worn that distinguishes it from you everyday "Skirt". Those things are what I like specifically about kilts. They are also specifically Men's garments. Women's kilts are made because men's kilts don't look right on women. Just like with jeans.
Hey I dont know what a kilt is so there is no chance to wear it but i would like to wear skirt without underwear with my girlfriend only
Yeah, I wear kilts sometimes.
I'm perfectly straight. Here's my reasoning:
Which is better suited for a man, pants that bind and cramp, or a kilt that hangs loosely?
All the men in the Bible either wore robes or kilt-like clothing: but not one of them wore pants.
Plus, if straight women have the right to wear pants or skirts, why can't straight men?
There's my reasoning.
Super Dave
I would wear a skirt most anytime I can. In fact, I wear a skirt many evenings to relax.
BTW, I also shave my legs and wear stockings, I love how they look and feel. And, NO, I am not making this up. I'm straight and quite comfortable with who I am.
People need to be more open minded to others and realize that it is just a personal preference regarding how they look and what they choose to wear.
Isn't self-confidence something women find attractive in men?