Need opinions on the following occurance!?

This morning a dove flew into our office (we open doors vs. use air conditioning as often as possible), ran into 2 windows and fell stunned to the floor. Picked him (her?) up and laid down outside, was still breathing.

About a half-hour later, dove still laying there, still breathing. A half hour after that, dove gone, we assume flew away.

So, good or bad omen, would love your thoughts and the reasoning behind them.



Favorite Answer

My instinct is that it was a bird doing what birds to - that they fly places that interest them and then they get confused when they encounter clean windows.

However, the significance is what you make of it. Did you have any particular feeling as you put the bird outside? Did you have any thoughts when you found it was gone?

Symbolism, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. I (for a silly example) gave great existential meaning to the fact that I ran out of staples.



Yes, it is good for you if you helped the dove . It was in shock and you gave it room and time to get its bearing again.
Do you not feel better for helping the dove ?-- Then it was a good day for you after all


I once had a dove lead me to a building that I was looking for. I was driving my truck and just followed the bird right to my destination. The destination was the court house where I was being sued for 2.6 million dollars. i won the case.

Friends Forever2007-07-30T14:36:36Z

hey dont worry,, the dove flew away after some time,, its natural,, and has nothing to do with good or bad omen,, enjoy ur life . take care


Hopefully the did recover and fly away. Good omen, you should be happy that the dove survived.

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