Ok, So me and an old friend have been in a feud for about 6 months now. Even though the fight is over with we still are not talking. She had a baby recently. Should I be the bigger person and tell her congrats or just not say anything?
Favorite Answer
Yes, be the bigger person. This is their happiest moment. If she was ever a friend, you'll put everything in the past, leave it there, don't bring it up or allow it to be brought up, and say congrats to her, and wish her the best.
It all depends what the fued is about. if it was something stupid, then yes say it. you'll feel a lot better about yourself. if it was something so bad you truely never want to talk to her again, then don't. but, i say, if you're considering it, it couldn't have been that bad, so just tell her congrats.