life, love ,and family?

Have you ever watched your grown children interact with their own children ,and for one blissful minute seen them once again as youngsters themselves?


And I have no clue how I wound up in this catagory. Maybe it's just an added bump in my road..


Favorite Answer

Its amazing to watch the wheel turn - sounds like you are confronting your own mortality in a way too. We see what we have created and so on, and what we leave behind - but!, its all good - life is about change and growth. It is sad at times to wonder where the time went - but each cycle of life with our family is something to learn from something to remember, but most of all something to enjoy. x

[Jeni ♥'s A&F]™2007-08-04T03:53:07Z

Well I'm Not Sure How You Got Here, But I'll Answer Your Question In a "youngsters" perspective.

When My Parents Interact With Me It's As Though they're kids again-They completely forget their age... and it's as though they are rejuvenated again & go back into their childhood for a few minutes.

Edit: it makes me happy to see them that way.

mamapoulette2007-08-04T10:56:10Z, how DID you end up in this group? I truely haven't had this exerience yet...Thank Goodness...but I'm thinking that the feelings must be a mixture of the bliss you mentioned coupled with nastalgia and a little sadness...