Drilling for Oil in international Waters .. how's the law ?

Lets say i decide to drill for oil in international waters.. what rules do i have to obey ?
are there any ?
Is there any oil rig being operated like this ?

just curious ;)


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Most nations claim a sufficient amount of coastal waters to make it rather difficult to actually drill in international waters. However, if it were cost-effective, such drilling operations would be subject to the Law of the Sea Treaty.


As soon as any country would start to drill for oil in international waters, some countries may claim that their fishing activities are being affected by oil pollution. Or some countries would claim that that oil belongs to the future generations, etc. Then UN would ask to the drilling country to suspend their drilling until an agreement be reach.

I think: there are not laws about the international waters. There are: agreements, military power, economic pressures, and diplomatic pressures too. The international and regional organizations would try to regulate this kind of activities as soon as it start.


Mexico drills for oil in the Gulf of Mexico in international waters. We could to if the liberals would stop whining.


The law is that continents have borders just like states and countries do. Most continents are divided similarly but due to the tricky nature of the ocean floor these continental shelves shift and move geographically. This makes it very hard to enforce laws on it. So these can be the kind of things that start wars.


Yes there are always rules and if there are none somebody will try to make some. UNCLOS is a UN sponsored treaty designed to regulate international waters. At least some of us think its a bad idea.

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