Have you ever wondered...?

Have you ever wondered if somewhere else in the world somebody is doing the exact same thing or talking about the same thing that you are? Or do ever wonder if they are saying the exact same word or sentence?


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all the time.
i even wonder if theres someone on the other side of the world is exactly like me.

you know...if youre one in a million, that means there are at least a thousand of you in china...=P


I wonder a lot about what another person is doing, saying, in another part of the world all the time. I have a chat friend that told me when to look at the moon, the hour, the time of day. He said, he was going to do the same thing so that we both would be doing something at the same time. I have a boyfriend that is awake while i am sleeping. At times i want to and do go to sleep because i know he is sleeping at that time. So we are doing something together. I am sure there are tons of people doing the same thing as i am at the same time, possibly saying the same thing...(like, I'm going to eat now)


Ya.What if there was someone in the world who looked almost Identical to me and was talking about the exact same thing?That would be so cool!


most of your Q's are simply answered yourself.Islam is not wanted by a large majority of the worlds population.It is an outmoded 'mysogonistic belief system just like most other major religions.Any system that condones publicly hanging 16yo rape victims has either a few questions to answer or to be completely rejected by any civilised human.You can't come back at me by saying judaism and christianity are just as bad because plainly they are not and I am neither of those. This isn't a psychology Q anyway......try the chip on the shoulder page


I always wondered that...It's be pretty cool and creepy at the same time...
Hey People say that EVERYONE has a Twin somewhere on the world though.

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