Direct Wine Shipments - allowed in your state?

Ugh! Oklahoma law prevents direct wine shipments to a consumer.
Third-party wine merchants in our state hold a tight grip on sales and are afraid of competition.
This restriction is not helpful to our state wineries, which are not allowed to ship out of state as well.
We had a few bills before the state legislature, but they died this session.
Does your state allow direct shipment or if not, are you fighting to overturn the law?


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I know. I am in Oklahoma and it stinks. I suspect that the darn "holy molies" might have a finger in this particular pie too. We had to fight to get liquor by the drink in restaurants etc., and we have only relatively recently won the battle to be able to have the Lottery here. For the most part I really love living in OK, but there are just those few things where I feel "The Church" is still sticking too much of its nose into the affairs of citizens. What other possible legitimate reason could there be for this restriction? Maybe we should all email the govenor about it.


I've never thought about it, and I just got an email about the other day. A company wanting to send me a certain number of bottles of wine for a particular amount. I'm not sure if Pennsylvania has restrictions on it. We're a commonwealth too.

There are a lot of "little" wineries across our great nation. I've discovered a few in West Virginia, and a few here, in Pennsylvania. I never had the chance to stop at a few I found in Virginia.... always wanted to though.

I'm going to go look it up and see if I'd be able to order the wines they're advertising.


I'm in Virginia and we just DID over turn the law! It CAN be done!

It's awful to do this to tiny wineries! They were killing off Virginia commerce and we're a commonwealth!

To make them go through a distributor... and then to have the wines finally sell at so much higher a price... was just killing business because not that many people will pay twice as much for a Virginia wine as for a California or Aussie one etc.

We got lucky here. We got a couple of new young lawmakers who have family in the winemaking business - lol

Keep fighting! It will happen when they realize they're putting their own state out of business.


i assume that my state does, because of the fact I have been given some wine shipped at present. i will understand the regulation however -- that's tense adequate to dodge minors from getting wine, beer or different alcohol with shop sales -- transport suggestions could properly be in simple terms as undesirable if no longer worse and the transport drivers are actually not knowledgeable in recognizing pretend identity's.